I Just Reached 1,000 Followers!

Barky Wellings
2 min readAug 27, 2021

You poor, poor people.

Photo by the author

I have to admit, I was getting excited lately seeing my follower count creep up to the 900s. That’s about 700 more friends than I have on Facebook. I guess they all got sick of me.

But I’ve realized Medium is a much different group, and a much different model. There are people here who apparently enjoy my weirdness and annoying political rambling. Which begs the question: what’s wrong with you?!

Well, I appreciate it. And I was frothing like a rabid dog as I followed other random readers in a charge to get to the coveted 1,000. I heard that’s how people make $2,345.67 a day!!! (And so can you!)

On Tuesday, I was up to 990. On Wednesday, 996. On Thursday, 998….come on!

So, this morning I woke up with glee — not the musical TV show — to see that I passed that number, and my name has a 1K by it. Even if I don’t get that suspicious-looking amount of money guaranteed to be wired to my account directly from the interim monarchy of a newly discovered country in Atlantica, it just looks cool.

And the Medium platform allows me to vent and be as weird as I want, which is very, very weird.

But the best part is the community here. I really like it, and I feel at home. Even though I now have about 5 times as many followers as I…



Barky Wellings

Language and travel enthusiast, animal and nature lover, educator, musician, and ANXIETY SUFFERER! Please enjoy my writings.